
Grasscrete, a Bomanite Pervious Concrete System, is a cast-in place, monolithic, pervious concrete pavement that is continuously reinforced to provide superior structural integrity. Bomanite Grasscrete is the green alternative to standard concrete surfaces providing a variety of landscape solutions while maintaining a sustainable green product design used for emergency access lanes, delivery access routes, overflow parking areas, and for intermittent drainage channels that help prevent erosion.

Soil Retention

Driveable Grass® is a permeable, flexible and plantable concrete pavement system. This product is made of wet- cast, low-moisture absorption concrete. Drivable Grass® is cast with holes to allow for infiltration and root penetration. A cast-inside engineered polymer grid allows Drivable Grass® to flex and conform to irregular ground surface contours along pre-defined linear grooves, while providing the intended structural support needed for daily use. Drivable Grass® maintains its load supporting characteristics even when saturated. The design also eliminates sharp edges common in other products, and won’t crack and break like rigid concrete or pop up like plastic.

Maximum Controls

Iron Age Designs designed a cast iron curb inlet to interface with our standard steel trench frames. The frames cut across the sidewalk, while our 18″ Interlaken grates cover the open runnel where water flows from the street into a bioswale on the other side. An optional receptacle end prevents litter from entering the retention pit.

Iron Age Designs
(Curb Inlet / Bioswale)
2104 SW 152nd St Ste. #4
Burien, WA 98166
Iron Age Designs

As bioswales/rain gardens have become an increasingly popular way to mitigate impacts on water quality and ecosystems, Iron Age Designs wanted to make it easier for you to include this category of green infrastructure in your hardscape planning. We have designed a system with a cast iron curb inlet that interfaces with our standard steel trench frames. The frames cut across the sidewalk, and our decorative grates cover the open runnel where water flows from the street into a bioswale on the other side.The cast iron curb inlet provides a nicely finished end that is easy to install, and is engineered to take heavy loads. We have also designed an optional basket/receptacle end, which would prevent larger trash items from littering the retention pit.
34501 E Quincy Ave Bldg 28
Watkins, CO 80137
Sustainable Paving Systems, LLC

Sustainable Paving Systems, LLC promotes sustainable concrete systems to minimize the industry’s impact on the environment. Blending architecture and landscape is sometimes a complicated task when functionality, aesthetic appeal and eco-friendly criterion need to be considered. Sustainable Paving Systems provides a variety of landscape solutions that meet the requirements of sustainable design. The selection of Grasscrete, a cast-in-place, monolithic, continuously reinforced, void structured concrete pavement, is one of the easiest ways to achieve LEED® points due to the reduction in heat island effect, management of storm water runoff, recycled content used in the application process as well as the concrete and sub-base, the long lifespan and the low maintenance required. Common applications include sustained access, fire and emergency access, daily parking, roadways, medians, overflow parking, pedestrian access and water management.
Soil Retention
(Plantable Concrete
Pavement System)
1265 Carlsbad Village Dr
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Soil Retention

Drivable Grass®, by Soil Retention, is a permeable, flexible and plantable concrete pavement system.  This product is made of wet cast, low moisture absorption concrete. Drivable Grass® is cast with holes to allow for infiltration and root penetration. A cast-inside engineered polymer grid allows Drivable Grass® to flex and conform to irregular ground surface contours along pre-defined linear grooves, while providing the intended structural support needed for daily use. Drivable Grass® maintains its load supporting characteristics even when saturated. The design also eliminates sharp edges common in other products, and won’t crack and break like rigid concrete or pop up like plastic.
Tournesol Siteworks
(Sub-Surface Drainage)
2930 Faber Street
Union City, CA 94587
Tournesol Siteworks
Tournesol Siteworks

VersiCell, from Tournesol Siteworks, is a sub-surface drainage panel that provides the ultimate combination of strength and water flow capacity. The modular, connectable panels are frequently used in a variety of installations where fast, high-volume water flow is critical. In addition to sub-surface drainage, VersiCell is frequently used in place of heavy gravel aggregates for waterproofing membrane protection, for heat and sound insulation on structures, as a drainage channel, and on subterranean walls to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup. Typical applications include greenroofs, under pavers on terraces and patios, subterranean building protection, in on- structure bioretention areas, or as drainage layers inside large planters. Made of 100% recycled polypropylene, rigid panels are available in 1-3/16” (30mm) and 3/4” (20mm) thicknesses. VersiCell is highly inert, and won’t break down or crush over the life of a project.


Iron Age Designs
(Curb Inlet / Bioswale)
2104 SW 152nd St Ste. #4
Burien, WA 98166
Soil Retention
(Plantable Concrete
Pavement System)
1265 Carlsbad Village Dr
Carlsbad, CA 92008
34501 E Quincy Ave Bldg 28
Watkins, CO 80137
Tournesol Siteworks
(Sub-Surface Drainage)
2930 Faber Street
Union City, CA 94587
Tournesol Siteworks

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