This website collects certain information relative to users who visit the site. This website categorizes this information into certain categories and the privacy level and what we do with the information that we collect on you depends upon the category in which you fall.
Our company does not make any attempt to obtain information that personally identifies our users who visit our website. It is not our policy to sell or otherwise provide access to such information to unaffiliated third parties.
Category I: Information on users who visit our site to read or download information on our pages. From these users, we collect and store only the following information:
1.The domain name through which you gained access to our website;
2.The precise time and date that you entered our website.
3.The URL of the web page through which you linked to our website.
Category II: Users who send us e-mail containing personal information or identifies you. Any information that we collect in this way is used only for purposes of responding to you and addressing the issues that you may have raised.
Any information that we collect is collected as part of our business practices in order to identify demographic information relative to users who access our site, assessing the number and type of user accessing various sections of our site, helping us determine what content and business concepts are working for us and/or are of interest to our visitors, determining technical design features and specifications and helping us assess systems performance. We also use such information in statistical form to assist us in business and marketing strategies and programs. We utilize software programs to create summary statistics which we utilize for the above purposes.
As a security measure for ourselves and our users, we utilize certain software programs to monitor traffic to our site and within our network. This software also enables us to identify unauthorized upload attempts, access to our system, and other attempts to cause damage to our systems.
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