BioHaven® Floating Treatment Wetlands
Floating Islands West LLC

BioHaven® Floating Treatment Wetlands, from Floating Islands West LLC are a powerful tool in water stewardship. Our man-made floating wetlands biomimic their natural counterparts on a concentrated basis—250 square feet of island translates to an acre’s worth of wetland surface area. Almost any waterway can benefit from BioHaven® FTWs, and you don’t need to be a scientist to understand how they work... All of our islands, small to large, function in the same way – improving water quality and habitat while providing a "concentrated wetland" effect. Through the process of biomimicry (using nature as a model), the BioHaven® Floating Island transforms a polluted & unhealthy waterbody into a thriving ecosystem.

Floating Islands West LLC
(Floating Islands)
5001 Neilson Road
Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245
Floating Islands West LLC
Floating Islands West LLC

Floating Islands West LLC is the West Coast manufacturer and distribution center for BioHaven® Floating Islands. We provide an innovative approach to world water and habitat issues by providing a full range of services, including island design, co-design, installation, as well as training. As a license holder & manufacturer of BioHaven® Floating Islands, we are able to custom create islands to your specifications. Floating Islands West manufactures and supplies large floating treatment wetlands and mini floating islands to a wide variety of clientele for both large and small spaces. Islands can be modified to fit your lifestyle. Mini Islands can be modified to fit your application. Some have been used in science fair displays, as well as small aquatic features, while the largest island manufactured in our shop was about an acre in size.
Pioneer Bridges
(Wetland Area Bridges)
119 40th Street NE
Fort Payne, AL 35967
Pioneer Bridges
Pioneer Bridges

Pioneer Bridges are perfect for hiking/biking trails, golf courses, highway overpasses, industrial conveyor/pipe supports and vehicular bridges (one or two lane). From small garden bridges in your backyard and private driveway bridges to long clear span pedestrian bridges spanning wetlands and heavy highway loadings required by the construction industry, Pioneer has the right bridge for any project. Every Pioneer Bridge is designed and constructed with safety as the ultimate value. Safe, durable, affordable... and beautiful. Pioneer Bridges fit naturally and attractively in any environment.
Modular Trail
Structures, LLC

(Boardwalks / Walkways)
PO Box 7383
Madison, WI 53707
Modular Trail Structures, LLC
Modular Trail Structures, LLC

Modular Trail Structures manufactures innovative, durable boardwalks and elevated walkways that enhance access to, and enjoyment of, natural areas. Our top quality products are pre-fabricated to streamline design and installation, and ensure cost-effectiveness, yet are tailored to each unique project. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, MTS is a family-run business led by dedicated professionals with years of experience. While we work anywhere in the United States and can handle projects of any size and scope, we stick to our Midwestern roots and sensibilities in our philosophy and approach.
Terrabilt, Inc.
(Wayfinding Solutions)
532 N. State Road
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Terrabilt, Inc.

Terrabilt, Inc. creates sign structures that clearly enhance the visitor experience through identification, wayfinding, orientation, interpretation, instruction and information for parks, trails and preserves and more. Clear and consistent guidance, orientation and general information at a park entrance welcomes visitors and introduces the park’s trails, resources and basic rules. Signage at campgrounds, trailheads, water access points, etc. in a well-designed system becomes the park brand and packaging of the resource. Terrabilt offers 18 structure types in a variety of sizes. Sign programs utilize different structure types that build upon modular panel displays and site-specific applications. Terrabilt builds green. Conservation is part of everything we do. Our structures use reclaimed material and are recyclable – and are rated for 50 years with little maintenance, and no harmful off-gassing or soil contamination.
LumberCon USA
(Concrete Planks)
3510 West Main Street
Belleville, PA 17004
LumberCon USA
LumberCon USA

LumberCon USA is a specially reinforced concrete plank that can be used and handled like lumber. Some of the common uses for the planks include decking, boardwalks, docks, marinas, landscape timber, replacement for metal pans used when pouring concrete, pedestrian bridges, or any construction project where extra durability, resistance to a harsh environment, or fire protection is needed. LumberCon has a greater span capacity than wood lumber of equal size and will not burn, rot, warp, rust, delaminate or splinter. It does not require chemical treatment for insects, ground contact, or below grade uses. While there are many green guideline programs in the building industry, all share the goal of building a more efficient, healthier building environment. LumberCon USA is committed to helping you build better, more sustainable projects.
2317 Daniels Street
Madison, WI 53718
Wickcraft Company, Inc.
Wickcraft Company, Inc.

Wickcraft is a pioneer in boardwalk design and improvement. The simple and original design of a Wickcraft Boardwalk allows for easy installation with minimal equipment. Additionally, progressive innovations such as Posi-Loc® and Posi-Trus® deliver unmatched security and support for your boardwalk project. We work closely with designers, architects, contractors, and installers to ensure your project expectations are met. The culmination of our partnership includes installation, inspection, and verification, giving installers and property managers peace of mind for years to come.  Since 1954, Wickcraft has been standing behind what we make, how we make it, and the products from other manufacturers that are used in the process to deliver you a lifetime warranty.
Nature Bridges
1586 Seven Bridges Road
Monticello, FL 32344
Nature Bridges

Nature Bridges is a leading bridge company that specializes in top down construction of timber bridges and pedestrian boardwalks through environmentally sensitive areas. Through the use of lightweight hydraulic impact and material handling equipment in combination with hand driven auger machines, our top down construction method means the only things that touch the ground are workmen. The only things left behind are footprints and your new bridge. As one of the nation's leading bridge builders, we also construct a wide variety of other development amenities, such as golf cart bridges, free span bridges, architecturally designed trellises, fencing, pavilions, decks and docks.


Floating Islands West LLC
(Floating Islands)
5001 Neilson Road
Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245
Floating Islands West LLC
LumberCon USA
(Concrete Planks)
3510 West Main Street
Belleville, PA 17004
LumberCon USA
Modular Trail
Structures, LLC

(Boardwalks / Walkways)
PO Box 7383
Madison, WI 53707
Modular Trail Structures, LLC
Nature Bridges
1586 Seven Bridges Road
Monticello, FL 32344
Pioneer Bridges
(Wetland Area Bridges)
119 40th Street NE
Fort Payne, AL 35967
Pioneer Bridges
Terrabilt, Inc.
(Wayfinding Solutions)
532 N. State Road
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
2317 Daniels Street
Madison, WI 53718
Wickcraft Company, Inc.

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