Live Earth Products, Inc.'s famous Humate Soil Conditioner is an organic soil amendment for use on all turf, ornamentals, and crops. It is an ideal solution to increase organic matter concentration in the soil. Mined from an ancient plant deposit, Humate Soil Conditioner delivers the highest humic acid & organic matter content of all our granular products.
BioOrganics™' Mycorrhizal Landscape Inoculant contains nine Endo types of mycorrhizal fungi, plus an additional eight top types of Ecto mycorrhizal fungi spores – Lacarria laccata, Pisolithus tinctorius, Rhizopogon amylpogon, R. fulvigleba, R. rubescens, R. villosuli, and Scleroderma cepa, S. citrinum. The guaranteed Endo spore count is a minimum 50 spores/cc, and the Ecto spore count is a minimum 50,000 spores/cc. – more than 30,000,000 per lb.
Soil Guard®, from Mat, Inc., represents a breakthrough in erosion control technology. It is a one or two-step erosion control system that revolutionized the practice of soil conservation. It is a highly cost-effective erosion control system that has been a market leader since 1993. It is the only Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) on the market requiring application by Certified Applicators and comes with a company-backed warrantee.