Turf Feeding Systems' 35 years of worldwide experience gives us the knowledge to design and manufacture the best fertigation systems for the golf market. We have over 3,000 fertigation systems installed across the US and around the world. Our systems have a service life of over 20 years and many are still working after 25 years.
TurfTech Bio-Min, form Soil Technologies Corp., has been providing golf course superintendents with a unique problem-solving tool for over three decades. This multi-action bio-fertilizer: cuts fertilizer needs, replaces minerals that may have been depleted due to clipping removal, reduces soil compaction, and suppresses turfgrass pathogens.
Coastal Netting Systems has been providing quality steel pole and netting systems for over 40 years. Our mission is to design and manufacture the most superior steel pole structures and netting systems. Not only do we pride ourselves on the quality of our engineered products, but in our prompt service meeting our client’s needs with a business philosophy based on integrity and trust. Ken Jones is the President of Coastal Netting Systems and has been helping customers design long-standing steel pole structures and netting systems for over 40 years. Ken is a family-oriented individual and brings those values into every aspect of his business. His very personal approach to each client’s specific needs is what sets Coastal Netting Systems apart from the rest. Ken annually appears at golf trade shows throughout the nation, such as The PGA Merchandise Show and The Golf Industry Show.